See Mark at Book Reading and Signing

Meet Mark Woommavovah, author of The Little Indian Runner, at the upcoming book signings. The already beloved children's book by this Oklahoma native debuted on Amazon at No. 1 in Native American Children's Book's and in Children's Exercise and Fitness.

Due to COVID-19, ALL book readings and signings have been postponed.

ZOOM readings are available at request, contact us at:

9 June: University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) ZOOM reading and Q&A with students, young adult / children's literature classes for future school librarians and future school reading specialists.

Once the state OPENS, we will take the opportunity to share "The Little Indian Runner," with everyone. Reading and signing visits are "FREE" and the price for hardcovers are at author cost $15.00. If your schools, programs, libraries, organizations, or companies want to take advantage of this great opportunity, please let us know and we can schedule an event.


The Little Indian Runner is dedicated to Lucas Owens of the Comanche Nation and proceeds will benefit

Comanches, Army Commemorate Mark's Retirement

Lt. Col Mark Woommavovah retired on June 1, after 31 years in the U.S. Army. In addition to promoting The Little Indian Runner, Mark is transitioning into a new role, Senior Military Science Instructor at the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC program.

Mark’s ceremony was held at the Pete Coffey church in Cache, Okla., where he grew up. He was attended by Post Commander Col. Kerry Norman of Ft. Hurter Liggit (California), Ret. SGM Lanny Asepermy of the Comanche Indian Veterans Association and his brother, Lt. Col. Andy Woommavovah. The brothers are two of only 12 Comanche Indians to attain the rank of lieutenant colonel.

He was awarded the Comanche Nation Veterans Medal for Honorable Service and the Comanche Nation Veterans Medal for Combat Service.

Mark earned his B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice and commission as a military police officer from the University of Oklahoma in May 1992.